Monday, January 4, 2016

Foster Moment

Today was a good day.

When Halifax and Petal first moved into the bathroom I spent many an evening here.  Yup, in my bathtub.  I learned to bring not only a pillow but a blanket, beverages, snacks etc.  After all, if one is going to sit for hours in an empty bathtub one might as well be comfortable.  
 Why am I in the bathtub?  As the kittens had just graduated from cage to bathroom they were still fairly terrified of people. This was the only place I could stay where they would eventually come out of their hiding places and wander around.  Never too close, but it was a improvement.  I can toss treats from the tub without being too intimidating.

Now, Halifax will take treats from my hand but doesn't want me touching him.  Petal likes to hiss at me from her hiding place.  What are we working on now?  Halifax to be petted and Petal not to hiss. After a few reminder treats Halifax needs to let me touch him, however briefly before he gets a treat.  Petal gets a treat every time she comes out of her hiding place or if she "asks" nicely.  This means no hissing for one, no meow that ends in a growl, and no batting it out of my hand (especially with claws).
Not sure if you can tell from the photo as the redness has gone down, but if you look near my knuckles and pointer finger you can see how often treats are attempted to be taken with claws.  Moe decided to join in the photo op.  Mostly because she was expecting treats, and yes, she got one. 

Today Petal asked nice, mostly.  Halifax let me touch him, sort of.  But best of all my the end both kittens were purring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are the best Cat whisperer.